John O’Connor Power M.P.
- the ablest of the Home Rule Party.
- Mr. Power is the son of Mr. Patrick Power of Ballinasloe : his mother being the daughter of Mr. P O’Connor of Roscommon.
- He loves the wild west with all the ardour of a patriot and the passion of a poet.
- if he is an agitator, he is at least an honest one. He does not seek popularity as a demogogue. Anyone who knows him can testify to his honest and disinterested alliance with the Home Rule party, to his unwillingness for unnecessary parade, to his modest, unassuming appearance, which is totally unlike that of a man who seeks fame or emolument by demogogic domination or parliamentary obstruction. He only seeks to change and redress the condition of his unfortunate countrymen.
- A writer of great vigour and literary skill, he does not, as some of his countrymen do, sacrifice sense to sound …